Advice on the emotional toll of a DUI in Seattle - September, 2022

Lewis & Laws, PLLC is backed by more than four decades of combined experience, a quality that you cannot find at all defense law firms.

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Sep 19

Burglary in Seattle involves entering a business or dwelling with the intent of committing a criminal act. Like many criminal offenses, there are "degrees" of burglary in the state of Washington. read more

Sep 05

Most of us have played with fire at some point in our lives. Setting a pile of leaves on fire or playing with matches might seem like harmless child's play; however, if that fire causes damage to another person or property, you may find yourself in serious hot water. read more

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Should I plead guilty?

Once you plead guilty to a charge, you cannot change your plea afterwards, so it always advised that you talk with a criminal defense attorney at our firm before you do this. Pleading guilty means that you are admitting your conduct is punishable by the law and you know...

Why do I need a lawyer?

A criminal charge means that you could face sanctions including jail times, fines, probation, potential loss of your driver's license and other penalties. A skilled criminal defense attorney can guide you through the court process and advocate your position in order...

September 25, 2024

How Serious Are Gang-Related Charges in Seattle?

If you're facing gang-related charges in Seattle, it's natural to feel overwhelmed. The weight of these accusations can be crushing, especially when the charges come with harsher penalties...

September 12, 2024

How Can You Contest Illegal Search and Seizure in Your Seattle Criminal...

Facing criminal charges in Seattle is stressful, no matter the circumstances. But if you believe your rights were violated during the investigation—especially through an illegal search...