Fighting Against Domestic Violence Charges During Your Divorce

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Dec 21

Lewis & Laws

Fighting Against Domestic Violence Charges During Your Divorce

by Lewis & Laws

Fighting Against Domestic Violence Charges During Your Divorce

Divorce is never easy and emotions often run high. To get the upper hand in the divorce proceedings or to gain custody of the children, some spouses may file domestic violence charges against their ex. Some may even honestly believe that they have been a victim of domestic violence and wish to put distance between them and their abuser. Yet, filing a claim of domestic violence is serious and can have disastrous consequences during the divorce. If you believe you are a victim of unfair or overblown domestic violence charges, you need an experienced and aggressive Seattle domestic violence defense attorney on your side.

You Can Fight Against Unjust Domestic Violence Charges

The number one mistake many individuals make is believing they cannot fight against domestic violence charges. They may think there is little they can do and that it is just their word versus yours. Plus, since law enforcement has a responsibility to take domestic violence charges seriously, they may arrest you with little or no evidence.

It is important to know that domestic violence charges go together with other types of criminal charges. In other words, you may face assault and battery charges, as well as domestic violence charges. Some of the charges you face may be misdemeanors and others may be felonies. For example, if you are charged with simple assault domestic violence, you may find yourself facing misdemeanor consequences, such as a year in jail and $5,000 in fines. If you are charged with assault in the 1st degree domestic violence, you could face up to life in prison.

Domestic violence convictions come with the possibility of probation, jail time, firearm restrictions, and even a permanent criminal record. This can adversely affect your entire future, career, and ability to maintain relationships with your family.

Fortunately, there are ways you can fight against serious charges of domestic violence. First, you must contact an experienced Seattle criminal defense lawyer so that you can begin building a solid legal case against these charges. The last thing you want to do is go through the legal system alone. Even if you are innocent, you may find yourself facing long-lasting consequences and penalties without a trained legal professional by your side.

Fighting against unfair domestic violence charges in Seattle is critical during a divorce. These charges are taken very seriously by law enforcement and family courts. You may be prevented from seeing your children, living in your family home, and even maintaining visitation or custody after the divorce is done. Losing custody is a long-lasting consequence no parent wants to face.

Taking Action Against False Charges

It is important to begin fighting false domestic violence accusations quickly. It can be difficult to truly prove your innocence because the law does not require physical proof or evidence of violence. Threats, intimidation, and emotional abuse are all considered and taken seriously by the family courts. That is why your attorney must begin acting quickly to protect your rights and your future. Your attorney will investigate the incidents, review defendant statements, interview eyewitnesses, and find evidence to prove your innocence. While the prosecution needs to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, your attorney will attempt to poke holes in their case at every step.

Contact Our Seattle Domestic Violence Defense Lawyers Today

If you are facing domestic violence charges in Seattle, it is important to know where you can turn for help. Our Seattle criminal defense attorneys can examine your case and help you review your legal options. We can work to keep you out of jail every step of the way and prevent serious charges from harming your future.

The experienced criminal defense lawyers at Lewis & Laws, PLLC, have defended clients in Seattle, Bellevue, Everett, Kirkland, and throughout the state of Washington. Contact us today at 206.209.0608 or fill out our confidential contact form. We know how to fight serious criminal charges and can protect your future. Call us today!

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