Do I need to let police search my home or personal belongings?
If a law enforcement official asks to search your property without a
warrant, then you are not required to let them do so. The police are not
required to tell you that you can refuse their request, so they may
consistently ask you and be persuasive so you will allow it. There are
some situations; however, in which police may legally conduct a search.
If a contraband item is in view of the officer, then they do not need a
warrant to seize the property. Police are also allowed to search the
person and the surroundings for evidence if a person is placed under
arrest for a crime. Lastly, law enforcement officials that have a
reasonable fear for the safety of the public may search a premises or
person without a warrant. To find out if you've been a victim of an
illegal search, please talk to a legal representative at our firm
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