Alternative Sentencing

As former prosecutors we understand both sides of a case and will work to achieve the best possible resolution. We are proud to serve the greater Seattle area including the communities of Bellevue and Kirkland.

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Washington has implemented a drug offender sentencing alternative (DOSA) program to help remedy the drug problems that are rampant throughout the state. Many individuals are arrested each year for drug crimes and offenses related to severe drug addiction and chemical dependence and alternative sentencing was created to help solve these drug crimes at the source.

If a drug offender is never treated for their addiction, chances are upon release back into society they will continue to participate in drug-related activity. Judges and legislators realized this fact and enacted alternative sentencing programs that would rehabilitate drug offenders to prevent further occurrences of drug crimes in their lives and throughout the community.

Only certain types of drug offenders will be eligible for drug offender alternative sentencing programs in Seattle. You may be able to participate in alternative sentencing if:

  • You are convicted of a felony that is not a violent offense or sex offense.
  • The conviction is not for a felony DUI or felony physical control.
  • No current or prior convictions for a sex offense (at any time) or a violent offense (within 10 years before the conviction of the current offense) in this or any other state.
  • You are not subject to deportation.
  • The standard sentence range for the current offense is greater than one year.
  • The offender has not received a drug offender sentencing alternative more than once in the last 10 years.

The above are general qualifications. If you have questions about your particular situation, please contact us to get more information for your specific circumstances.


The lawyers at our Seattle firm have the skill necessary fight for alternative sentencing in your drug case. Alternative sentencing is a great option when compared with other punishments such as jail time, and your Seattle criminal defense attorney will do everything they can to make sure this option is available to you. There are many different sentences that can come from drug offender alternative sentencing, including:

  • Drug Treatment & Rehabilitation: With this alternative sentence, an individual may complete periodic drug testing as well as enrollment in a drug treatment and counseling program. This will help the defendant with their addiction lowering their chances of committing future drug crimes.
  • Electronic Monitoring: Also known as “house arrest,” the defendant may have to wear an ankle bracelet that monitors their whereabouts. These individuals may be allowed to travel to work or school as long as they return home immediately after. House arrest is a great alternative to jail.
  • Work Release: Under this sentence, the defendant will work at a site determined by the probation department then return home at night.
  • City Jail: With this program, defendants will check themselves into city jail and spend the night there, chipping away at their jail sentence rather than having to continually stay in jail for a long period of time.

To find out if you may be eligible for drug offender alternative sentencing, contact a Seattle drug crime defense lawyer today!

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